Your team is supposed to vitalize a specific region by using ICT. Specifically, each team will develop a Digital Services Center (DSC) that provides a set of integrated high impact services in health, education, public safety, public welfare or any other vital sector. A given DSC may focus on one particular high impact area and may take one of the following forms:
• An Agricultural Center to help the farmers in any part of the world
• A B2B Marketplace for buying and selling on the Internet (such as eBay or Ali Baba)
• A Business/Strategic Intelligence Center for a small country/island to promote economic development
• A Customer Support Center (or Specialized Division) of a large organization
• A Digital Community Center for rural areas that offers adult education, health and agriculture services to remote populations (e.g., small islands, small villages and communities)
• A Disaster Management Center in a developing country and a rural area
• An eCommerce Center (e.g., a small retail store) to support cottage industries in rural areas
• An Education Center for students with special needs
• An Entrepreneurship Center to help young entrepreneurs by connecting them to VCs and other resources
• A Financial Services Center for banking, insurances and other financial services
• A G2G (Government to Government) Center that exchanges information between agencies (e.g., PA County Commission to serve counties in Pennylvania)
• A Tele-Health (Tele-Medicine) Center that provides medical services to remotely located populations
• An HIE (Health Information Exchange) for exchange of information between different healthcare enterprises (e.g., hospitals, insurance companies, physicians, and government agencies)
• A Tourism Center for small islands
• Any other centers that you can envision (please suggest some). You can possibly extend your ISEM500 project (however, you must focus on extension)
Important: Your team has to select a DSC for a specific location from the following list:
• Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Jamaica, Nauru, Samoa, Solomon Island, Vanuatu
You should use the website of the chosen location to determine the needed services. You must also use the Open Big Data (OBD) sources such as the World Bank Open Data Institute, UN Department of Statistics, World Economic Forum, OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) data, and the like.
Project Details
Your team must propose an overall vision of the selected enterprise (e.g., a DSC), identify and describe the main services of your enterprise and an enterprise architecture of the Center. You need to become an expert of EA as a result of this project. Your overall task is to:
• Develop an EA of the proposed Center
• Analyze EA literature and choose some major EA frameworks that could be of value to this project.
• Each member of the team should learn about and become a champion of an existing EA framework. Each member should also choose a particular aspect (view) as his/her area(s) of specialization (e.g., project management, governance, system integration, whatever).
• The team should suggest and use a conceptual framework to analyze and compare/contrast the different EA frameworks.
• Focus on business architecture (BA), workflow and application architecture (AA)
Figure 1: Conceptual View of Vertical and Horizontal Sectors in a Center, City, Island or Company (small circles indicate services within a sector)
Deliverable A: Overall Vision (20 Points)
(5-8 slides sketch that shows the following)
• Overview and some basic statistics of the selected region (e.g., population to be served, main possible sectors/services that could really benefit from ICT) – 1 slide
• What is the main goal of the proposed center and what is the business strategy (i.e., how will it help the users, what issues/problems will it address, what benefits will it provide to the consumers and/or the suppliers, why should anyone care about the center). You may reuse some of your knowledge from ISEM500 here. – — 1 slide
• A list of 4-10 services of potentially high value to the Center (2 services per team member). These services may be in any sector (health, education, public safety, public welfare, agriculture, transportation, etc). You may use the view presented in Figure1 and the SPACE tool (www.space4ict.com, section Samples) to answer this question.
• Short (one para) per service to give an overview of the service and what type of business activities (business processes) will be needed to support this service.
• A simple sketch of the workflow in the center showing 4-10 business services/processes (e.g., customer entry, customer processing, customer exit). You can assume that each business service consists of one business process.
• An overall EA sketch of how everything will fit together for this Center (you may use a formal framework such as TOGAF or invent your own conceptual view). The focus of this deliverable is on Business Architecture.
Deliverable B: Detailed Design –(40 Points)
This part will heavily rely on hands-on experiments and is subdivided into the following tasks:
Refinement of Project1A Vision into a Portal (15 Points): Develop a more detailed solution that refines and enriches the Proj1A output. Specifically, you should design a portal (e.g., portal for tourism, a portal for disaster management, etc) that will support the vision of your Center. This is an extension of the business architecture in Project1A and should add the application and technical architecture of the portal. You need to add 3-4 slides to the Project1A slide deck that shows translation of the vision into a Portal.
Enterprise Architectures by Using EA Frameworks: (15 Points): Your deliverable is 8-10 slides that answers the following questions with some justification.
• Is your Center a virtual center (i.e. a portal), a physical center (just people, no portal) or a mixture? One sentence.
• Each member of the team should adopt an EA Framework (e.g. TOGAF, Zachman, Gartner, FEAF, DODAF), become its champion and then present your Center/Portal in your favorite view.
• TOGAF is very popular but the US Government has introduced FEAF (Federal EA Framework) and DODAF (Dept of Defense Architecture Framework). It is being claimed that the TOGAF, FEAF and DODAF are not restricted to US Govt and can be used anywhere (including small counties, villages, etc). Please analyze and answer the following question: Can TOGAF, FEAF and DODAF be used by small enterprises such as villages and islands . Yes or No and why
• As a team, which EA Framework will you adopt and why? Will you use a mixture or a high level Framework independent view. Why or why not.
Self Assessment (10 Points) of your results by using a computer aided planning and gamification tool to do Part A and B, comparing the results and identifying future areas of research and investigation. More information is presented in APPENDIX A
Deliverable C: Reference Materials and Annotations Used (10 Points):
The slide deck must have a title page that clearly specifies the team members. After the title page, a “Team Contribution” slide must be included that shows what each member has done in the project (one line) and a percentage of contribution by each team member (total must add to 100%). For example, in a team of 4, the total contribution will ideally be 25% for each member. This Contribution will impact your grade. Any disagreements about contribtion must be resolved by the team members through voting.
The slide deck must be properly annotated (by using Powerpoint Notes) that explain the diagrams and also the key ideas presented (5 points).
In addition, a References slide must be included to list the materials that were used to develop this solution. This must include the following:
o Specific names of case studies from the text that were helpful in this assignment
o Specific topics in the text (chapter, section) that were helpful in this assignment
o Outside materials (give specific links) on the Net that were helpful in this assignment
APPENDIX A: Self Assessment by using a Computer Aided Planning Tool
Deliverable: Fill out Self Assessment Report in Attachment A
You will be given access to SPACE (www.space4ict.com) – a Computer Aided Consulting environment that could possibly do Project1A and 1B. Your main job is to develop the ProjectB plans by using SPACE and then do the Self Assessment in Attachment A. Please use Exhibit 1 to get started. This exercise should not take more than 5-6 hours.
Exhibit 1: Getting Started with SPACE – The Warmup
• Go to SPACE website (www.space4ict.com) and go directly to the Planner section (button on the top bar).
• First visit the Learning Corner. It has several stages that expose you to different features of the Planner. You should be able to go easily upto stage 3.
• Stage 0 is just for the casual users to get you familiar with the system. No ID-PW is needed. Use the Planner as a Guest User and run through it quickly without making any changes. It is very intuitive and you should be able to go through it very quickly. You can use “?” for help in any page.
• Proceed to Stage1 and review the documents in Stage1. Especially, the Conceptual Overview Document is very important. It explains the basic capabilities of the Planner and you will not be able to use the Planner Tool effectively without reading through Planner Overview document. Please get a Permanent ID for the Planner. Your ISEM540 Course Pack automatically includes access to this tool for 4 months.
• Logon to the Planner by using your ID for stage1. You should be able to see your services in the P1 Phase (they may be not in the sector you chose but something related), select your service and develop an ICT plan by using the Planner. You should skip the Project Management Phase in the first round. It is very detailed.
• After running through the session, you will see a BIC (Business Intelligence Center) that has all the results that are generated during your session. Browse through BIC – it will be quite educational.
• You do not need to go beyond stage 2 for this project.
• Please keep in mind that SPACE is work in progress – I am exposing this tool to you because I think you will learn a lot through self assessment.
Please use the following framework for evaluating SPACE and post this Report to Moodle Project1B Dropbox. Your Grade for this part will depend on the breadth as well as the depth of the this Report.
Team and Region/Sector Information:
• Region/Sector Selected (e.g., Island and healthcare): _____________________
• Team members involved in Self Assessment (team member name plus SPACE Planner User ID, no need for password): _________________________
Please record your results and observations after conducting the following detailed hands-on experiments by using SPACE, found at www.space4ict.com:
• Use SPACE to develop the detailed plans for each service that you have in mind (IMPORTANT: each team member must do it separately and record the ID used and scenario generated. You will get a zero otherwise)
• Examine the SPACE outputs shown in the BIC Circle and evaluate the reports
• Generate the Sample Portal for your service by using SPACE
• Review SPACE outputs for EA and determine if SPACE produce TOGAF compliant EA outputs. Can these outputs be modified to represent other EAFs (e.g., Zachman)
• After evaluating SPACE, you should find and evaluate at least one other tool available for EA that has similar capabilities.
TABLE1: PROJECT1 OBSERVATIONS (By Using Planner Individual Services):
Service Planning for Individual Services Were the Plans and Related Documents Generated Satisfactory (0-100%)
Time taken to Produce the Results by SPACE
(in hours) Estimated Time Taken to Produce the same results by hand
Service Name:
Member Name:
User ID, and Scenario Name
Service Name:
Member Name:
User ID, and Scenario Name
Service Name:
Member Name:
User ID, and Scenario Name
Service Name:
Member Name:
User ID, and Scenario Name
Service Name:
Member Name:
User ID, and Scenario Name
1. IMPROVING PROJECT1 RESULTS: List the Improvements in Your Report as a RESULT of this experiment (just a list)
2. What is the academic value of this exercise (Low, Medium, High). How can this value be improved