Read Ch. 4-5 in Tina Seelig’s ‘inGenius” and watch two short videos: This is Water (~ 10 min) based on the commencement speech of David Foster Wallace and TED Talk The Magic of Truth and Lies (and iPods) (~ 5 min.) by magician Marco Tempest. If the links to the videos do not work here, you can find the videos in the Videos folder on the Course Menu. Answer the following questions about the chapters and the videos.
1. Ch. 4: What connections do you see between the main ideas in the videos and the chapter? Provide at least two specific examples.
2. Ch. 5: Conduct a focused observation of your everyday environment, a familiar place or a spot you’ve visited many times (e.g., MSOE campus, your workplace, house, room, classroom, the road you take every day to drive to school or to work, your social media page, your computer desktop, etc.)
A. What kind of space is it? Private space? Group space? Publishing space? Performing space? Participation space? Data space? Watching space?
B. Try to see the place through fresh eyes. What new things did you notice about the place? Use the sample questions from the Observation Lab on pp. 77-78 in InGenius to help your observation. You don’t have to answer the questions. Use them as guidelines only.
Ch. 4 and Ch. 5: Why are the spaces in which we live and work and acute observations critical for creativity and innovation? Provide at least one example from the book or from your personal experience. Try to connect your response to Tina Seelig’s concept of The Innovation Engine.
This is water
The magic of truth and lies