
Part 1: This week we took a look at sustainability at Oregon State Univerity and OSU’s host community Corvallis. Based on the material you reviewed, what do you see in this video and in the web sites on social sustainability? Do you think Oregon State University is presenting itself as a social sustainability leader in America%u0432%u0402%u2122s university systems? Do you see a link between Oregon State and its surrounding community based in terms of social sustainability?

Part2: Post your initial response to the discussion forum as a new post by end of day on Wednesday. Respond/comment to at least one other student’s post by Friday. Additional comments to posts are encouraged, but not required.%u043F%u0458%u20ACAfter you finish first part, I will give you part 2 %u043F%u0458%u2030

**Limit comments to 150 words (approximately one long paragraph or two short paragraphs).

**Responses should be constructive and thought-provoking, but NOT disrespectful to other’s ideas or experiences.


