Please I need help with the 23 discussion questions attach. Each separately on word with Citations
Graded discussion 3: Instructional Design – Planning, Essential Questions, Taxonomies, Objectives
Consider the dual issues of taxonomies and creating objectives to answer the following questions:
1. Does the use of verbs aligned with levels of knowledge (see Bloom’s and Revised Bloom’s) really make sense? Can’t we all just learn without the need for formal levels of attaining knowledge? Justify your answer.
2. Does the use of SMART as a foundation for creating objectives make them too rigid? Why or why not?
Please use your assigned readings as reference material. APA format is required for the citations and references.
Graded discussion 4: Anticipatory set, activities, UBD
Review the materials on Understanding by Design (UBD). Address the following questions in this discussion:
Is this really any different from any other ways of creating lesson plans?
Does it really matter if you work forwards or backwards in creating a lesson plan? After all, we just need to get through the material, right?
Justify your answers with the weekly materials. APA format is required.
Graded discussion 6: UBD, Activities, Authentic Assessment
1. What does the concept of “authentic assessment” mean for a health lesson? Provide at least one example of an authentic assessment you would use. You may choose any of the 9 NHES topics and any grade level for the assessment example.
The next 2 questions use the following facts:
Imagine you are teaching an 11th grade class 1-2 months before the junior prom. The lessons are focused on the dangers of driving while intoxicated.
2. What are some ways UBD can help you design a lesson for this class?
3. What kind of exit ticket might you use for the final (second) lesson?
APA format is required for the references and in-text citations.