You are an equities analyst at a stock broking firm and your boss has asked you to build a financial model to value a publically listed Australian company called Dulux Group Australia (ASX code: DLX).
Report Part
Write a report with executive summary and sub-headings as to whether the stock broking firm’s clients should buy, hold or sell equity in the company using SWOT analysis.
You must value the company’s shares (point estimate and range) using pro-forma financial statements.
You must give detailed discussion about the important assumptions underlying the model with appropriate academic, industry and statistical references.
You must research more than just the company alone. The economy, industry and competition are also important. You should find comparable companies for the purpose of multiples valuation.
You must provide extra evidence such as tables and graphs. They must be placed in the text. Do not put figures in the appendix, they will not be marked.
Do not refer to figures or tables in the spreadsheet, they will not be looked at when reading the report.
MS Excel Spreadsheet Part
MS Excel spreadsheet financial model file with pro-forma income statements
and balance sheets, a working valuation and relevant sensitivity analysis. Changes in the assumptions should affect the final share price valuation, so
cells should not be hard-coded. A template example has been provided so that you just need to change relevant data.
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