Style: APA
Number of pages: 1 pages (275 words)
PowerPoint slides: 0
Number of source/references: 0
Order instructions:
Review Ch. 9 of Dynamic Argument.
Write a summary and a paraphrase for each of the following paragraphs from Ch. 9 of your textbook.
Last paragraph on p. 234
First paragraph after the heading “Misconceptions About Paraphrasing and Plagiarism” on p. 247
First paragraph after the heading “How to Summarize”
Paragraph following “Substitute Key Words or Phrases” on p. 248
Paragraph following “Integration: Combining Your Words with Those of Others” on p. 235
Remember that summaries and paraphrases must be cited and introduced. If you use any of the source’s exact words, you must use quotation marks to indicate this.
Submit your assignment to the Assignment Files tab.