
Assignment Requirements


Project Charter

Project Name: E-learning System

Department:                  ADP Training Department

Focus Area:                    Training and development

Product/Process:         E-learning

Prepared By

Document Owner(s) Project/Organization Role
Capt Capt …


Project Charter Version Control

Version Date Author Change Description
0.1 4/11/2014 Capt Draft





Project Outcomes. 3

Project Risks. 5



a)      CAPEX Capital expenditures  6

b)      OPEX   6




This project charter seeks executive approval to plan and develop customized strategies to create e-Learning system in which they may offer flexible online (online learning – Instructional hours are offered fully online) or blended learning (blended learning – Instructional hours are offered partly online and partly face-to-face) opportunities to all ADP employees.


Project Outcomes

ADP administration teams will:

  • Have implemented an e-Learning solution for ADP that meets the learning needs of their employees
  • Have implemented an e-Learning or Learning Commons space that effectively supports staff and staff learning
  • Have developed assessment instruments that allow the ADP to accurately determine staff readiness for e-learning.
  • Have developed assessment instruments that allow the ADP to accurately identify suitable courses/programs where e-learning opportunities will lead to greater staff success
  • Support instructional practices that align with the Training Plan and Programs.

Teachers will:

  • Understand how staff learning needs can be met through universal design for learning opportunities
  • Plan and develop flexible learning alternatives for employees
  • Use digital technologies effectively to meet the learning needs of diverse learners
  • USE the tools and functions available through System-supported technologies
  • Choose appropriate digital content, technologies and tools to meet the learning needs of employees
  • Build awareness and support of other teachers’ use of digital technologies at ADP.
  • Build their confidence in pedagogy skills used in online environments
  • Measure the effectiveness of solutions developed as part of this initiative
  • Feel adequately supported by the ADP and system.

Learning Innovation will:

  • Support the establishment of an e-learning centre in each cbe high adp setting
  • Support the creation and direction of support networks for cbe high adps
  • Support the establishment of standards for distributed learning resources, aligned to curriculum outcomes and the training plan.
  • Support the development of an e-learning centre or learning commons space that supports staff learning
  • Identify opportunities and supports for partnerships
  • Continue to bring research and deepen understandings regarding system outcomes
  • Provide resources and support to build capacity across the system
  • Continue to work with its to ensure reliable infrastructure
  • Continue to provide leadership and direction for staff and staff learning
  • Work with system service units and departments to build capacity and share expertise


Key Success Indicators


Employees will:

  • have choice in how they access learning opportunities at their ADP
  • experience success due to flexible access to learning options
  • Use digital technologies to improve learning results.




ADP Staff:

  • Are using digital technologies and online environments where appropriate to effectively meet the learning needs of employees. Success will be evident through teacher and staff surveys
  • Have designed and developed an e-learning centre or learning commons space that supports staff learning
  • Have begun to expand learning alternatives available to employees, including fully online and blended course delivery options.
  • Deploy teachers to build online teaching capacity.
  • ADP culture is enhanced to embrace technology based learning options based on increasing staff success and enhancing teacher class management methods.

Project Risks

Risk High, Medium, Low Mitigation Strategy
Probability Impact
Lack of time for teacher to develop distributed learning alternatives

Project can lie dormant for a time due to lack of time leading to ineffective use of the environment.

  • Learning Innovation ensures ADP staff leadership and teacher understand time commitment required for learning.
  • E-Learning Innovation works with ADP staff administration to provide support/time .
Poor communication

Staff may be unaware of professional learning opportunities offered by Learning Innovation.

L H Learning Innovation develops communication strategy with ADP staff leadership.

Where H: High, M: Medium, L= Low



Name Department Contact Email
Mohamed Ali Training 050 584778 [email protected]
Ahmed Yaser Training 055 447714 [email protected]
Nasser Al Hossine IT 050 554899 [email protected]
Mohasein Al saqaf IT 050254889
Saeed AL Marzuqi Al AIn_Taining 055 225544
Ali Al Al Kabi Information security 050874582 [email protected]
Khaled Ahmed Training 050 887748 [email protected]



This is a high level estimation to be review after detailed requirements

a)    CAPEX

Capital expenditures

Budget: 4000000 AED

b)  OPEX

Operational expenditure

Budget: 2000000 AED





Prepared by       __________________________________

Project Manager




Approved by      __________________________________

Project Sponsor



Executive Sponsor



Client Sponsor



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