Paper instructions:
You have to answer two questions for this order. One question per page.
1.)What features of any 2 countries historically can you use to explain the presence of authoritarian tendencies in their governments today (meaning that strong authority, often beyond the law or the constitution, exists at the central government level)? In what ways was each country authoritarian in the past, and in what ways is it (or is it not or is less than in the past) authoritarian today? MAKE COMPARISONS. CHOOSE ANY TWO COUNTRIES.
2.)Explain why some people might say that all these 3 East Asian countries were more or less one-party governments after World War II. AND: Can you argue that all 3 of these countries have had other parties in addition to the one leading party? What has been the relationship between the leading party in each country and the other parties? In which country have the other parties had the greatest chance of gaining power? Give names of at least two of the parties you discuss in each country. DO 3 COUNTRIES.