ECO 212 Week 2 LTA Supply and Demand and Price and Elasticity Paper

Supply and Demand and Price Elasticity


Team B: Names


University of Phoenix



Supply and Demand and Price Elasticity


Our discussion will tackle the topic about gasoline, specifically, the supply and demand of gasoline and its different elasticity. Crude petroleum oil is refined in terms of quality and one of the products of the refining process applied is gasoline. A product such as gasoline is very volatile and it is composed of different chemicals such as ethanol that makes it combustible, which is why it is used as fuel for cars and machines. During the tail end of the 1800’s, people started using gasoline to fuel the tractors they used to take care of their farms. Up until this time gasoline is still used to make our everyday lives possible. In the next part of our discussion, the details on the supply and demand of gasoline will be tackled, its everyday uses and how the behavior of these two elements affects the price and value of the product.