Assignment Requirements
Tell me what your question or issue is
(investigate the relation of ones income, family size and gender of the head of household on food expenditures)
Data and econometric model
Explain where the data come from (what they are – use real names)
State the regression model you will estimate
Yt= b1 + b2xt2 + b3xt3 + et
Yt= b1 + b2xt2 + b3xt3 + …+ bkxtk + et
Explain which coefficient(s) is the focus of your analysis , and how you will interpret that coefficient.
Run the data on the model
State and interpret your results
Tell me what you found
Tell me what your question or issue is
(investigate the relation of ones income, family size and gender of the head of household on food expenditures)
Data and econometric model
Explain where the data come from (what they are – use real names)
State the regression model you will estimate
Yt= b1 + b2xt2 + b3xt3 + et
Yt= b1 + b2xt2 + b3xt3 + …+ bkxtk + et
Explain which coefficient(s) is the focus of your analysis , and how you will interpret that coefficient.
Run the data on the model
State and interpret your results
Tell me what you found
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