Economics: Application and Critical Evaluation of Efficient Market Hypotheses for a company during 2 years period

Economics: Application and Critical Evaluation of Efficient Market Hypotheses for a company during 2 years period
1) Discuss about Efficient Market Hypotheses.
2) Take any one company listed on any stock exchange of the world as an example and study its share price over a 2 year period using the topics discussed in the module.
3) Take 2 years data and apply and critically evaluate Efficient Market Hypotheses for that particular company. Use the contents discussed in the module and the below mentioned 2 research articles in your analysis.
4) Show evidences for your arguments for special events like declaration of good / bad news, launching or discontinuing a new product, change of CEO, expansion, any other “news” and its impact on information and then impact on share prices. Provide clear evidences with dates and original news source.
5) At the end, summarise with your own conclusion.

Suggested Reference Research Articles: (read these 2 papers before you start working!)

a) LINK:
b) Mahmoudi, V, Shirkavand, S, & Salari, M 2011, ‘How do Investors React to the Earnings Announcements?’, International Research Journal Of Finance & Economics, 70, pp. 146-152
c) ATTACHED TO BRIEF – Hodnett, K, & Heng-Hsing, H 2012, ‘Capital Market Theories: Market Efficiency Versus Investor Prospects’, International Business & Economics Research Journal, 11, 8, pp. 849-862