Employing Strategy in a Competitive Environment -Term Paper

Order Description
This assignment builds upon on the strategy elements created Assignment 1. (From my order #75889645 which you completed)

Create an environmental scan for the company indicating the most significant environmental threats and discuss how the company should respond to each threat to ensure that the impact to the business is minimal.

Based on the environmental scan, evaluate the company?s strengths and evaluate how the company can leverage these strengths so as to yield a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Identify a significant competitor for the company and assess how your company will compete against it to maximize profits and create value for stakeholders.

Assume that the U.S. economy is in a state of decline requiring modifications to the strategy. Evaluate how the strategy should be modified. Provide a justification of how this will help the company continue to compete in the marketplace.

Evaluate how global competition may impact the business strategy and determine how the company should respond.

Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

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