The module is called Enhancing health and Social Care through Interprofessional Practice. i
am a paramedic student final year, but it is not only paramedics students who do this
module but we share it with other disciplinary such as
radiography,nurses, worker, radiotherapy and mental health, and we
worked also together as a group for the module purpose. Assessment guidelines as below: The
aim of the following piece of work is to demonstrate to your markers that you have met the
following learning outcome; ���Evaluate service delivery in relation to their professional
role’ In order to help you meet the limited word count you should use the following pro-
forma to write the key points on; •An evaluative account of your professional role within
the multi discipline/ agency team 1-Explain how your role fits within the multi-
disciplinary team/multi-agency team (50 words) 2-Explain how your knowledge and skills
enable to fulfil your role (200 words) •Professional knowledge •Technical skill
•Communication •Empathy and understanding •Willing and able to collaborate •Importance of
patient as focus 3-What are some barriers to your success? (50 words) •Time •Accuracy of
oral/spoken/written communication •Jargon •Availability of people to communicate with
•Workload, targets, pressure of work 4-Explain some strategies you will use to overcome the
barriers listed above (200 words) •Actively develop communication skills – non-verbal and
writing •Improve handwriting •Become a better listener. References. Finally please see the
uploaded file which is called Assessment guidance. please also see the other files as they
can give you an idea. please also use the referencess which is provided and i already
uploaded them in a single file which is called referencess. please avoid making statement