Explain the significance of Non-compliance among African American men with Hypertension;

describe the significance of this healthcare issue/health care disparity in local, national, global health, and the nursing profession. How can Research and evidence
1. This assignment should include those articles dealing with nursing or health care research articles from the peer-reviewed journal for nursing.
2. This article critique will be:
a. Two pages in length (not including the cover page or the reference page)
b. Typed, doubled-spaced using font as identified in APA format (6th ed. only)
c. Margins all around per APA format (6th ed. only)
d. Attach a photocopy of the articles with the critique
e. A critique should analyze, interpret, and evaluate the article you have chosen.
Step 1: Analyze the article
As you read the article you plan to critique, the following questions will help you:
• What is the investigator’s problem statement and research question?
• What is the research purpose?
• Who are the research method and findings?
• What implications are derived?
• What reasons are presented by the investigator to support his/her implications?
• What was the investigator’s underlying assumptions or biases?
• What were the implications
Step 2: Evaluate the article
After you have read the article, you can begin to evaluate the investigator’s ideas. The following questions provide some ideas to help you:
• Is the problem statement grounded and logical?
• Is the article well organized, clear, and easy to read?
• Are the researcher’s facts reasonable or accurate?
• Have important terms been clearly defined?
• Is there sufficient evidence for the problem, implications, and or limitations?
• Is the article appropriate for evidence based practice or replication of the study?
• Are there any words or sentences that evoke a strong response from you?
• What has motivated your interest in this topic?
What questions or observations does this article suggest? That is, how does the article make you think?
Write the critique in standard essay format. Please do not summarize the article. Begin with an introduction that defines the subject the critique and your point of view. Defend your point of view by raising specific issues or aspects of the article (Remember the research process). Conclude your critique by summarizing your report and re-emphasizing your opinion.
Explain the significance of Non-compliance among African American men with Hypertension; describe the significance of this healthcare issue/health care disparity in local, national, global health, and the nursing profession. How can Research and evidence base-practice in nursing change this problem.