Factors affect the learning of mathematics in secondary schools

An examination of the extent to which social and economic factors affect the learning of mathematics in secondary schools  
Three sub themes: 1) Pupils approach to learning mathematics in secondary schools 2)the impact of a) assessment strategy on the learning of mathematics b) and the curriculum arrangements on the learning of mathematics c) the extent to which pupils are disadvantaged in any way by these factors.
3)The impact of social and economic factors ? income, ethnic backgrounds, etc ? on pupils? learning of mathematics.

Reference/ sources :
? Gary N. Marks (2006): Are between- and within-school differences in student performance largely due to socio-economic background? Evidence from 30 countries, Educational Research, 48:1, 21-40

? Hetty P.J.M. Dekkers , Roel J. Bosker & Geert W.J.M. Driessen (2000): Complex Inequalities of Educational Opportunities. A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study on the Relation Between Gender, Social Class, Ethnicity and School Success, Educational Research and Evaluation: An International Journal on Theory and Practice, 6:1, 59-w82

Race, sex, socioeconomic status, and mathematics
LH Reyes, GMA Stanic – Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 1988 – JSTOR

Yang Yang (2003) Dimensions of socio-economic status and their mathematics and science achievement at individual and collective levels

Tim Butler, Chris Hamnett, Mark Ramsden & Richard Webber(2007):The best, the worst and the average: secondary school choice education performance in east London

A meta – analysis of the relationship between anxiety toward mathematics and achievement in mathematics -xin ma, source: journal for research in mathematics education, vol 30, No. 5 (Nov., 199) pp. 520-540

Increasing higher education participation amongst disadvantaged young people and schools in poor communities- The Sutton Trust, October 2008

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