Family communication forum

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“African Americans, Chicanos, and Puerto Ricans are not more familistic than non Hispanic White families.  In fact, Anglo men and women give to and receive from network members more child care help and household assistance than do African Americans, Chicanos, our  Puerto Ricans.”


Rochelle, A.R. (1997) No more kin: Exploring race, class, and gender in family networks. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Do you think this statement is true?  Use credible research sources to craft your argument, not opinion.


Don’t forget, per university policy, once you post a forum response it cannot be edited or deleted.

Note: you cannot use the same sources for both your initial reply and your follow-up responses, but you

can use the same sources in both follow-up responses.

400 Level Forum Grading Rubric


Possible points Student points
Met initial post deadline (11:59 pm EST Wednesday)  10
Initial post is substantive  10
Initial post is at least 400 words  10
Initial post employs at least two academic citations; one can be your text  10