Financial analysis of the commercial bank of Qatar-Essay

Commercial bank

Gulf Base :  (www.Gulf  you can find all information on this website (you need to create a free account to access the information)

EIU Country Reports   (this is a useful database)

collect last 3 years daily data of closing stock price, bid-ask spread, volume of shares traded and follow these stocks daily.  Collect pieces of news published about these companies (in the news and the internet) over the last 5 years and see the effect of these news on the stock price around the announcements.
3- Analyze your company (financial analysis – ratio analysis), follow the chapter in the book of fundamental of investment.  Concentrate on market valuation ratios.
4- Determine the optimal price of the stock, by employing the equation we talked about (constant growth in dividend model – Gordon Model).  If you do not remember it or if you were absent in class then go back to your principle of Finance, Chapter common stock valuation.
To calculate the stock price, you need first to determine the required rate of return.  This you could get by the equation of the Capital Asset Pricing Model. Required return =return on risk free security (from the Central Bank)+Beta(return on the market portfolio estimated by the return on stock price index – risk free rate return).   to calculate Beta you need return on the stock you analyze and the return on  the stock price index.  Then beta is just the covariance between the return on the security and the return on the index divided by the variance of the return on the market index.
when you calculated the required return, plug it in the price equation and calculate the price.  Compare the price you got with that in the market and see if it is overpriced or underpriced.

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