It is a pleasure to work with you again. The outline did not work, but no because of you. My professor made a little chance…so now we have a better, clear and specific work field to be working on. My (our) responsibility in this research is: GENERATION X IS NOT WILLING TO SACRIFICE PERSONAL LIFE FOR CAREER. For your information and better understanding of what we are going to do is that we are a group of 6 members doing a research paper which will be going to put all our parts together in the near future, next week, when we all finish.
I will upload 8 articles that I would like you use and put them under references. Still, please feel free to use other resources that you find useful for our research.
You will please need to do a table of contents, write about “GENERATION X IS NOT WILLING TO SACRIFICE PERSONAL LIFE FOR CAREER” and at the end make recommendations based on management concepts and term that we can offer GENERATION X to improve, sustain and balance their work with their life styles.
Please, please, please strictly use APA 6ed manual
Thank you so very much in advance. Hope that we will continue working together. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
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