THERE are two parts there are completely seperate for the first part one page write a reflection on Most people have purposely ?played the fool? at some time. Why do people do this? If a person for some reason plays the fool or pretends to be disturbed for a long time, do you think the person eventually can become truly disturbed? RELATE WITH HAMLET AND REAL LIFE STORIES

make two pages !
Hamlet ? Lies and Deceit series of paragraphs
Lies and Deceit

Hamlet, more than almost any character in literature, hates deception and craves honesty. It is one of the brilliant ironies of the play that Hamlet, an absolutist in his quest for truth, is trapped in a seamy political world where deception is a necessary part of life and political "spin" rules the day. This contrast, fascinating to the audience, is a torment to Hamlet. Deception is necessary for and used by every character in Hamlet, for every purpose ranging from love to parenting to regicide.

Polonius says, "To thine own self be true / and it must follow, as the night the day / Thou canst not then be false to any man." Is this evaluation of truth and deception supported by the play?

In a series of three well-written paragraphs (like an essay, but without an introduction or conclusion) answer the questions above. You must create a one-line thesis upon which to focus your writing. Use specific reference to the text to support your response.

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