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Topic of the midterm paper: Professional Code of Conduct
Locate the ?professional code of conduct,? ?professional standards,? or “ethical code” from your own respective online medical, allied health or nursing association. Analyze your professional code from an ethical perspective by identifying 3 to 5 ethical concepts from your readings and weekly discussions that are reflected in your own professional code of conduct (example: The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses has four principle elements of professionalism. Within these elements is the duty to “hold in confidence personal information.” This relates to ethical principles of confidentiality that are described in detail throughout Chapter 5 of our text). Feel free to share relevant personal experiences as they relate to your discussion (remember to change names and other patient identifiers).
Include a cover page that contains the title of the paper, your name, course name and date. The manuscript will be double-spaced with 1″ margins on all four sides. The pages are to be numbered consecutively, beginning with the first page of text (insert page numbers on bottom right corner). Please use a 12-pt plain font such as Times New Roman.
The main text should begin on a separate page and be: 3 – 5 double-spaced pages, excluding cover and reference pages. References must be cited in the text and in the reference list using the APA 6.0 (or later) edition format.
Please use the following books as reference:
1)Health Care Ethics, six edition, by Baillie, McGeehan, Garrett& Garrett, 2013.
2)Guide to the code of ethics for nurses (ANA) 2010.
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