This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment.
Part A: Healthcare audit proposal (3,000 words, 75% of total grade): [Part A assesses learning outcomes 1, 3 & 4] which are:
1. Critically discuss the importance of evaluation, measurement and research in managing quality & safety in healthcare.
2. Critically evaluate research reports relevant to healthcare quality & safety.
3. Critique key approaches to evaluation, measurement and research (such as performance indicators, audit and quantitative and qualitative research methods).
Identify one area of your healthcare practice which is suitable for measurement by audit and prepare a proposal for auditing this area of practice.
Your report should be grounded in evidence-based best practice.
As a guide, your proposal can be constructed using the following headings:
1. Introduction to assignment (Include the title of proposed healthcare audit here).
2. The importance of evaluation, measurement and research in managing healthcare.
3. Rationale for the audit.
4. Best practice in this area (key references).
5. Overall purpose & audit objectives
6. Action plan (draw up an action plan in table format and discuss how you plan to carry out the audit using such headings as Goals, Resources, Activities, Timeframe and Evaluation – details of how you propose to collect the data should also be included)
7. Conclusion (a summary of the audit proposal indicating the learning you have gained from compiling this proposal)
Part B: Reflection (1,000 words, 25% of total grade): [Section B assesses learning outcome 5]
Using Gibbs reflective cycle, critically reflect on the key learning you have achieved during Module 3 “Evaluation, Measurement & Research” and their application to your area of practice.
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