Historiography Presentation Robert conquest

Read the overviews provided for context.

Read the long article/chapter provided for you on your historian.

Do a little bit of external research to find out more about your historian.

Complete a historiographical Power point presentation

The presentation must meet the following guidelines

Identifies an appropriate prompt from a past paper to drive the presentation

Clearly states what would be your historian’s response to the prompt in your own words

Uses 2-4 illustrative quotes from historian’s writing as evidence for this response

Performs a source analysis of the historian based on (OPVL) origin,purpose,value and limitations

Gives the date range of this historian’s popularity (when first published, when popular, when challenged)

Identifies another historian who disagrees with yours and explains why

Presents your personal evaluation of the historian’s answer to the prompt (explicitly referencing OPV&L ( origin,purpose, and value and limitations ,where appropriate)

Include proper refere