How appropriate are contemporary IP laws (creativity in the visual arts)
1.Relate the subtitle(creativity in the visual arts -copyright artistic works)to the question How appropriate are contemporary IP laws. Australia
2.This essay need to be wrriten in the style of ARGUEMENT which can be Both sides or ONE side for arguing whether exist some problems that still not adequately protecting in the area of visual arts,or it is appropraite enough by the contemporary IP laws regard to the subtitle (visual arts) . for example: indigenous artistic works.(creativity in the visual arts)–can be argued that not adequately dressed by those laws.
PS: Provide case study into the question of argument. (preferred take place in Australia)
Below is just a question hint(no need to be included in the essay, but just like this kind of arguments:
It has been argued that current international intellectual property standards (as mandated by the WTO’s TRIPs Agreement) reflect Western European traditions from the time of the Industrial Revolution when doctrines such as copyright, patents, trademarks and industrial designs were developed, and that the realities of the ways in which creativity and inventiveness occur are not adequately addressed or reflected by these laws.
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