How does race affect educational achievement-Research paper

The paper should embark on a research question around “How race influences educational achievement”. Statistical numbers that could document that the research question addresses a significant issue:
Are there racial differences in drop-out rates?
Are there racial differences in graduation rates?
Are there racial differences in completion of UC/CSU requirement rates?
Are there racial differences in AP enrollments?
Are interactions with teachers different depending on the gender of the teacher?
Does the race of the teacher affect teacher-student interactions?
What factors contribute to the social construction of “good” or “bad” students?
Does being part of a majority or minority population affect school performance?

As a way of forming a preliminary research question, please review the Oakland High school’s statistical data (refer to attached document, Oakl_H.xls) looking for evidence of racial (and gender) inequality. What aspects of racial or gender inequality in the school and/or our larger society might be causal factors in the inequality you observe from these data?

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