Human Resources Written Report

Assignment Requirements


section one 1500word
section two 425

syllabus dot point section 1(strategies in human resource management
• leadership style
• job design – general or specific tasks
• recruitment – internal or external, general or specific skills
• training and development – current or future skills
• performance management – developmental or administrative
• rewards – monetary and non-monetary, individual or group, performance pay
• global – costs, skills, supply
• workplace disputes)

section 2(key influences
• stakeholders – employers, employees, employer associations, unions, government
organisations, society
• legal – the current legal framework
– the employment contract – common law (rights and obligations of employers and
employees), minimum employment standards, minimum wage rates, awards,
enterprise agreements, other employment contracts
– occupational health and safety and workers compensation
– antidiscrimination and equal employment opportunity
• economic
• technological
• social – changing work patterns, living standards
• ethics and corporate social responsibility
processes of human resource management
• acquisition
• development
• maintenance
• separation
effectiveness of human resource management
• indicators
– corporate culture
– benchmarking key variables
– changes in staff turnover
– absenteeism
– accidents
– levels of disputation
– worker satisfaction )


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