Hydraulic fracking is coming to North Carolina. Fracking has transcended technology and now has become a social/political issue. Teachers, politicians, clergy, and ordinary citizens talk about this topic all the time without knowing the correct concepts and facts. I want you to do serious internet research on the concept of hydraulic fracking in North Carolina. Issues to consider are economic, environmental, health, and personal.
Get me 4 to 5 pages plus the references of well thought out of work on fracking in North Carolina.
The paper should loosely consist of 3 parts. The first part should introduce the idea of hydraulic fracking. What is hydraulic fracking, why and when it come to North Carolina. Why it is important to the state and why not. What is it related to election? where did the concept come from. Part 2 should present the facts. Topics discussed should touch on but are not limited to: economic, environmental, health, and political.
These are just suggestions not guidelines, anything you can find, that is scientifically documented can be used.
The final part of paper is more philosophical, I want to know what you think. Now that you have done little research where do you stand on this issue? how you work for this paper changed you opinion?