(1) Describe and evaluate America’s political culture. Discuss different perspectives on the origins and meaning of the key principles defining that culture. How has immigration contributed to the evolution of the US political system? How do you think the current debate over immigration reform should be decided?
Your 1000-word response should be organized as a structured essay with a thesis statement that is supported with evidence, examples and arguments. Please refer to the grading rubric posted in the Course Information section of Blackboard for additional information.
You should cite appropriate sections from the text, but no quote can exceed two printed lines. If you choose to refer to material outside of the text, then include a works cited page at the end of the paper. You need to show an understanding of the relevant issues as they were discussed in class and presented in the readings, and you should demonstrate an ability to present multiple sides of a problem as you offer your own unified perspective on the questions. In answering the questions, present a common theme that ties the relevant issues together as you develop and support your argument.
The thesis is about changes in immigration negatively shaping america in democracy. you can choose that one or not but please make sure points were the melting pot vs tossed salad, nation of immigrants, values on open door policy etc.
Basically you need to go one way or another either immigration is good or bad. 1,000 words , quote from the sources I gave you but the quote can not exceed two printed lines.
Some other points that can be covered with regard to the topic.
American Dream freedom
Who are the people that are coming here
why do people come here in first place
what principles, values, people bring with them?