Assignment one requires students to provide a reflective field walk report of no more than 1,500 words (not including bibliography). In your report you are required to do ‘The Kray’s’. You are required to consider the following question: In what ways has the [Gangs of Soho*] or [The Kray’s*] field walk enhanced and/or changed your understanding of crime and the London underworld? *delete as appropriate In your report, you may choose to reflect on the following themes: For Gangs of Soho Walk Criminal activity that excited public concern in C19 Minor gangs engaging in ‘smash and grab’ activities taking advantage, immediately after World War II, of bomb-scarred London and of a surfeit of ex-military firearms. Murder of Alec de Antiquis and trial verdict heralding an era of crooks electing not to carry firearms Abolition of capital punishment and its impact (or lack of it) on gang crime The public appeal of gangland culture notably amongst aristocrats and media personalities The ebb and flow of supremacy within and between gangs The tendency of home grown gangs to exploit illegal drinking and gambling versus the tendency of gangs from the continent to concentrate on the sex industry Drinking and gambling laws that exposed the establishments that catered to these needs to underworld extortion. The Pimps Charter or Street Offences Act that prevented prostitutes from soliciting for custom in the street and drove them to rely on vice gangs to set up alternative venues to meet prospective clients. The relaxation of censorship laws in Denmark and Sweden which resulted in Soho being flooded by a tidal wave of hard core pornographic material. The huge ‘Operation Countryman’ investigation into wide-scale police corruption in racketeering Soho and the ramifications of that investigation The fight back of law abiding residents of Soho against the onslaught of sleaze The gay community’s huge contribution to the clean-up and revitalisation of Soho once the decriminalisation of homosexuality made the gay community less vulnerable to being victimised by the criminal fraternity. For The Kray’s Walk Wartime and post-war socio-economic conditions in the East end Cultural trends that fostered a post war rise in youth violence Kray family ‘role models’ The atypical make-up of the Kray firm Pressure to suppress Kray’s scandalous link with politicians Eventual breaking down of traditional East End reluctance to share information with authority The nature and severity of the sentences pronounced The impact of the special relationship shared by twins and that of Ronnie’s mental instability on events The changing nature of the twin’s motivation during their ‘reign’ and their considered striving for cult status post incarceration Attitudes towards the Krays All reports should be written in the first person (i.e. `I’ or `me’) and should contain a full bibliography and be fully referenced. *Preferably done on The Krays