Income Tax Law

Assignment Requirements


its very important for my total grade, its 25%, so plz write it as good as you can, than you very much, and the essay need use australia income tax book for references

there are a files named assignment 2014 sem1 and assignment note �� there are an article and questions�� after read the article you need answer two questions and you should use intext reference and refrence list �� the instructions and requirements are listed in the assignment 2014 sem 1 and assingment notes files �� the rest of files i uploaded are lecture slides which are releat from the assignment question just help the writer familiar with the knowledge �� please ask him read the assignment 2014 sem 1 and assignment notes files �� there are listed requirments and instrctions very cleary�� i wonder wheather he even read it. any questions plz email me thx
can u tell the writer, thats my assignment need footnotes also need intext reference and reference list


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