Information Security for Small and Medium Enterprise Organizations

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Topic: Information Security for Small and Medium Enterprise Organizations Nature: General white paper for security awareness purpose. Simple English will do and make referral with the references. Category: IT (IT Security) Reader: General, IT Security Management and IT Management Length: 5 A4 pages including 100 words abstract, introduction, main, conclusion and references Deadline: 1 week time (7 days) References: Will be provided to writer (in attached file) and writer could make any additional appropriate references. MLA referencing format. Specification and Layout (writer could make any appropriate changes): (details in attached file) 1. Abstract (1/3 page) 2. Introduction (1/3 page) 3. What is an SME Organization (1/2 pages) 4. What are the Threats in SME Organizations (1/2 pages) 5. Security Considerations and Solutions in SME Organizations (3 pages) 6. Conclusion (1/3 page)