you are required to write an essay up to 2000 words (please note, word count does not include bibliography nor footnotes) based on the research youll do on the `World Bank`.
Assess and Evaluate the extent to which an International Organisation `THE WORLD BANK` fulfils and complies with the input and output dimensions of an I.O. This will first require you to read and understand the functioning of the `THE WORLD BANK` and place it in its adequate regional and sectorial context. Consequently you will apply its working arrangement to a case-study. In this essay you are not asked to simply copy and paste the about us section of the International Organisations webpage. You are expected to show that you have, through original research. understood how it works. This means youll be able to illustrate so via a) a sound analytiucal characterisation and b) a critical argument about its success or failure.
IVE SUBMITTED AN ESSAY PROPOSAL WITH THE CASE-STUDY ON THE WORLD BANK TO MY LECTURER which she approved on. so Ill upload this word document to you, which will layout all the main points you need to write about on this paper.
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