Despite the recent global economic downturn, it has been reported that the Chinese economy has been growing at a relatively high rate compared to the US and the EU economies. Discuss the current performance of the Chinese economy and give specific answers to the following questions:
• What are the estimates of China’s current rate of economic growth?
• What are the main elements that have enabled China to achieve this relatively high growth?
• What changes in China’s economic policies that the Western countries would like to see?
• What are the main challenges (domestic and international) confronting the Chinese economy?
• Do you believe that China can overcome these challenges and thus be able to sustain its current economic growth?
The paper should be about 3 pages but no more than 4 max single space.
Use newspaper & periodical articles for consultation and provide Citations. (i.e. Wall Street Journal)
Avoid Plagiarism (presentation of ideas and expressions of others as if they were your own) in your paper. Whenever using ideas or expressions borrowed from some source, whether quoting directly or paraphrasing, acknowledge the source with an appropriate footnote or endnote.
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