Internationalisation of a course book

Assignment Requirements


[3] Internationalisation of a course book (2000 words)

Drawing from the course books used in PELT1/2 , choose two or three texts and associated images, activities, vocabulary etc. You will need to consider at least one listening/speaking and one reading/writing text/activities, so you will need to listen to any audio recordings that accompany your chosen texts and activities.(I have already chosen the texts and activities, a listening Task and a reading Task, see additional files)

The context: you will be using these texts/activities to teach intermediate level 16-18 year-old students from a range of countries at a four-week intensive general English course in Germany. Their aim is to improve their spoken and written English as well as their receptive language skills so as to be able to communicate in English with a range of other native or non-native speakers of English. This context means you should address issues of English as an International Lingua Franca and the theories and concepts related to this covered in the module, such as culture, linguistic imperialism, the native speaker debate, NS/NNS teachers, etc. as relevant.

Your task is to analyse and evaluate the texts/activities in terms of how appropriate they are for your learners’ context in terms of teaching English as an international lingua franca, and based on this, to make practical suggestions for how you could ‘internationalise’ the chosen texts/activities of the coursebook in relation to the theories and concepts of World Englishes and EIL we have been learning about in this module. You should explain how you would adapt/modify the content/focus to be more internationally relevant/appropriate in your chosen context, present adapted tasks/activities, and provide critical commentary on and justification for your decisions, with reference to the literature and module concepts and theories.

Make sure you deal with:

a) Language models and targets (phonological, lexical, grammatical and/or pragmatic)

b) Texts and learning activities presented in the coursebook – their socio-cultural, ideological and methodological underpinnings as they relate to EIL/ELF.

You should write approximately 2000 words for this, and you need to include copies of the original course materials and your adaptations in the main body when less than one page, or as appendices when more than one page in length, and refer the reader specifically and clearly to particular units, activities or images in the appendices throughout the main body of the assignment. Sound files should also be attached so the reader can listen to the listening or pronunciation.(I don’t have the recording, but I have the tapescripts, see additional files)


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