IRB Submission

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Keiser University
Length- Include One IRB Application and supplemental supporting documents per KU IRB Guidelines and KU IRB Checklist
Format- Use only the approved Keiser University IRB Application and submit all materials in one document (PDF or Word Document)

In week 4, you submitted the revised introduction to your EBP proposal, which included the research question or statement and the background and clinical significance of your EBP project. You also submitted the nursing (or other disciplines) theory that provides the framework for your EBP and you submitted your literature review on the topic you have chosen.
This week’s assignment asks you to submit a completed application to gain permission to proceed with your proposed EBP project. Your detailed application should be written so that anyone non-nursing reading it could understand the project as you have described it.
In this assignment you will be asked to obtain written approval from your work setting, organization, or alternative for IRB consideration. Caution: Do not begin any EBP project or contact any subjects, or complete any consent forms until you receive your final written IRB approval number. Wait until you are enrolled in NUR 690 or consult with your Professor before proceeding with the project even if you receive approval early.
Assignment Guidelines:
1. Complete all of the required readings up to and including week 7, paying particular attention to the readings that cover ethics and institutional review boards.
~ Review the IRB Power Point found under week 7 Learning content.
~Review the IRB Guide
~Review the IRB Checklist
~View the KU Institutional Review Board Guide Human Subjects YouTube Video

2. Carefully review the IRB Guide in the Week 7 Learning Content Link and determine which one of the following Applications fit your particular EBP project

~Exempt Review and Approval IRB Application
~Expedited Research IRB Application
~Full Review IRB Application

3. Complete the application which fits your project. Pay attention to detail and completely answer all the specific sections of the application.

Example for Exempt Review:
~Completely fill out all of the sections of the IRB application to include:

1. Title of the Study
2. Faculty Research Advisor if Applicable
3. IRB Training (CITI) completion date
4. Proposed Future Planned dates of Study
5. Funding
6. Research Information –Details
7. Study Population & Sample Procedures for Selecting and Recruiting Study Participants
8. Methods for Protecting confidentiality Risk Analysis
9. Approval process
10. Compensation
11. Institutional Approval
12. Informed Consent for Participants
13. Signed Researcher Agreement
14. Signature from MSN Department Chair