Is the Affordable Healthcare Act unethical?

The paper needs to be written on the topic of : Is the Affordable Healthcare Act unethical?
Using your outline from Week 06 as a guide, this week, submit a rough draft of your BE paper. In addition to the 5-6 page body of the paper, also include a Cover/Title Page and Reference Page. Details are noted below. Follow the required format and revisit the rubric to to see what standards your Instructor will follow in grading your paper. For complete details on the project, see the Week 02 Business Ethics (BE) Paper – Introduction.

Cover/Title Page

Your title page should include:

Title of report
Your name
Reference Page/Bibliography

Cite all references using APA style. You must cite four different references. Only two references may be from the Internet, such as a university or government website.

Required Format

The paper should be double-spaced in a Word document.
Use a standard (Arial, Times Roman, Verdana) 12 point type.
The body of the paper is to be 5-6 pages in length.


1. The Individual Mandate Violates the Original Meaning of the Constitution
2. I chose thus ethical issue, because it seems to be one of the main issues in the world today on whether this Healthcare Act is really a good thing or not.
3. Even though Millions of people have already benefited from the Healthcare Act., The Healthcare Act is unethical because It is not as affordable as they make it seem and The Individual Mandate Violates the Original Meaning of the Constitution.
A. Millions of people have already benefited from the Healthcare Act.
B. The law won’t fully take effect until 2014

A. Even though Millions of people have already benefited from the Healthcare Act., The Healthcare Act is unethical because it is not as affordable as they make it seem.
B. It does not benefit employers as much
C. Still only certain household incomes will qualify and some will still be left uncovered, due to not being able to afford it.

A. Alternatives would include receiving insurance through their employer
B. Enroll for state funded insurance that is free to low income families.
So you can see that although Millions of people have already benefited from the Healthcare Act., The Healthcare Act is unethical for two main reasons. First, It is not as affordable as they make it seem. But most importantly, The Individual Mandate Violates the Original Meaning of the Constitution.