ISE Powerful Leadership Precourse Report

Assignment Requirements

The pre-course assignment

Read the assigned article (attached).  (Every student received a different article.)  (Your article is a bit long, so scan it to identify some lessons and then read those sections thoroughly.)Identify minimum TWO and maximum FOUR lessons about EI or leadership that YOU learned from the assigned article.Review your own behaviour and mindset and write a few sentences about ways in which you will have to change your mindset OR behaviour to apply these lessons to your life.Be ready to share your lessons with the group during a plenary session on Sunday evening, 8 June after dinner.Hand in, on a single A4 sheet the following via e-mail (to fbester@alfa…) by end of 3 June 2014 and bring a copy thereof with you to Ashridge for use on the Sunday evening:your name, student id., and ISE Powerful Leadership Precourse Report in the header of the assignment formatted on a single A4 sheet using (minimum) 11 pt Arial (or a similar clear font in 1.5 spacing;the full reference of your assigned article in APA (6th ed.) referencing style;the first lesson that you learned described in a single sentence (it is a good guideline to limit ALL sentences in ALL your writing to be no longer than three lines of typing);a brief description of the mindset or behaviour changes that you have to make to apply or maintain the learned lesson in your own mindset or behaviour (use no more than three sentences to describe a) which mindset or behavioural change will you make, or sustain; b) why this is an important mindset or behavioural change to enable the application of the lesson in your life; and c) how this mindset or behavioural change will apply the lesson in your life (example follows).repeat .3 and .4 for the second (and possibly the third and fourth) lessons; andIt goes=without saying that if you used any other sources to complete your assignment, you have to use citations and list your references.


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