Islamic Banks Ownership Structure and Their Performance

Assignment Requirements: Dissertation Chapter – Introduction Chapter


Dear Writer & Support,

Please make sure these steps are taken into consideration:

1) Reference Harvard Style.
2) To be written as a chapter one of a thesis.
3) Always use academic terminologies.



1) Please relate to DEA bank of china and try to state how to use what they did towards Islamic banks.

2) Please mention, ownership structures, risk, performance, regulations and capital.

3) Please include all the papers I provide you.

Make sure you have this in mind:

1. Chapter One: Introduction
1.1. Scope
1.2. What is Islamic Banking?
1.3. Islamic Banking History
1.4. Contemporary Islamic Banking Studies
1.5. Islamic Banks Differences in each Country
1.6. An Outline of the Thesis
1.6.1. Ratio Analysis
1.6.2. Data Envelopment Analysis
1.6.3. Agency Theory
1.7. Research Questions
1.7.1. Does the ownership structure of Islamic banks affect their efficiency and performance?
1.7.2. To what extent do capital adequacy ratios affect Islamic banks?
1.7.3. To what extent do other financial risks affect Islamic banks?
1.7.4. How do regulations affect the risk-taking behaviour of Islamic banks?
1.7.5. Does government ownership affect the risk-taking behaviour of Islamic banks?
1.8. Gap within the Literature
1.9. Contributions to Knowledge

Thank you.


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