Assignment Requirements
Islamic sports and its future contribution to Islamic societies economy
• Presentation Type: Paper, poster, workshop, or colloquia (see Proposal Types).
• Short Description: A short summary of the main idea of your proposal. This will appear in the Conference Program and will provide the information other delegates use to choose your session to attend. Absolute limit of 30 words.
• Longer Description: A concise description of the purpose, methods, and implications of your scholarly work. This will be used to evaluate and place your work in the appropriate session. Include all required components as outlined in the Proposal Guidelines. If your paper is subsequently published as an article in the journal, this will serve as the Abstract (may be revised prior to publication). Recommended length 150-200 words.
• Keyword Set: Keywords are used to organize presentations into appropriate sessions, so please choose words that clearly describe the main idea of your work. Sample keywords are provided in the Themes section. List only 2-3 keywords.
• Knowledge Focus: Choose if your work has a Practice, Research, or Theory focus. Note the required components of the proposal for each Focus area as outlined in the Proposal Guidelines.
• Theme Selection: Select theme that best categorizes your work. Theme selections will be used to begin the process of organizing presentations into sessions. See Themes for a detailed description. Proposals related to topics other than these themes may also be considered. Theme selection will also determine the journal into which we publish your article, should you choose to submit and article for review and possible publication in the journal.
• Biographical Information: Organization or institution, position or title within the organization/institution, short statement of interests.
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