Japanese Cinema

****Select THREE of the following questions and answer each in essay form. Your answers should form three separate “short” essays.(one page each) In each essay, give specific examples from at least two of the films we’ve watched this quarter. You should also refer to at least one of our course readings to back up your points.****

1. Address the issue of realism in relation to the films we have watched so far. What did different critics and scholars say about realism and where did they find the roots of the “realist effect”?
2. How can cinema be understood as engaging with distinct, highly uneven and unequal formations of modernity? Give specific examples from at least TWO of the films we have watched. You should also refer to at least ONE of our course readings to back up your points.
3. Describe the general development of Pure Film Movement. How did the movement affect the subsequent film practices? What are the ideological forces that shaped the movement? Discuss Page of Madness (1926) in relation to the movement.
4. Sound plays important and diverse roles in the films we have watched so far. How did sound (re)define filmmaking and affect the viewer’s perception of film characters, action and space? Give specific examples from at least TWO of the films we have watched. You should also refer to at least ONE of our course readings to back up your points.