Jean-Jacques Rousseau • Father of Romanticism then and how it’s relevant today in social media

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Term Paper/Project: This course requires the completion of a term paper (or other written project) critically evaluating (and presenting) a body of research on a psychological topic. Each student must prepare a written report (or Presentation Project* details will be provided during the class). Papers must adhere to the following guidelines

1. Must follow APA format
2. Must be typed, double-spaced, and in 12pt. font.
3. Must be no more than 5 pages in length and no less than 3 pages in length (these pages EXCLUDE the cover page, abstract page, and reference page which must be included and submitted in APA format).
4. Must include at least 4 academic peer-reviewed references (references should not come from newspapers, magazines, or Wikipedia).
5. Must demonstrate appropriate use of grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, etc.
6. Must have a narrow focus and a clearly identified thesis.
7. More detailed instructions will be provided.

Paper Topic Submission
Writing about History

•      What to include?

–      Presentism

•      attempt to understand the past in terms of present knowledge and standards

–      Historicism

•      study of the past without addressing the relationship between past and present

–      Amount of detail in presentation of the evolution of  concepts and ideas

–      Choice of approach?

–      Zeitgeist (spirit of the times)

•      Zeitgeist (spirit of the times) approach emphasizes the influences of developments in other sciences, political climate, technological advancements, and economic conditions on the development of psychology

–      Great-person

•      emphasizes the works of individuals
Database Search Results, Summaries, and Outline

My selected paper topic/thesis is:

I conducted a database search on the following terms:

I selected: ______ articles to review, the best 4 articles are briefly described below

Article #1 Title/Summary

Article #2 Title/Summary

Article #3 Title/Summary

Article #4 Title/Summary

Provide a rough outline of your paper asap!

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
• Father of Romanticism
• Rousseau emphasized feelings in contrast to reason
as the important guiding force in human nature, the
best guide for human conduct is a person’s honest
feelings and inclinations.
• For Rousseau, humans are basically good – born
good but are made bad by societal institutions.
Humans are, by nature, social animals who wished to
live in harmony with other humans.