Jeemah Islamiyah as a terrorist organization?
I. Introduction
The purpose of the introduction is to motivate the reader to spend time reading
your work. Thus, this section will briefly explain why the terrorist group is
important, why the current counter-terrorism techniques are not working, and why
your proposed techniques will work.
In this section, too, you will need to prove the group is a terrorist group. This
means you need to use the definition of terrorism. Do not simply rely on the group
being listed as a terrorist group by some organization. Prove they are a terrorist
Finally, at the end of the introduction, you outline the rest of the paper. This is the
same thing you do in any introduction — any. By the end of the introduction, the
reader should know your point and how you will prove it.
II. History
This section provides a history of the terrorist group. In this history, you will also
need to include the events that led to the formation of that group. I expect you to
rely on Crenshaw 1981 to help you focus on the important events in the group’s
III. Demands
In this section, you provide the group’s demands. You should also determine if
those demands are reasonable and if they are possible.
IV. Terrorist activities
What major terrorist acts has the group done in the past. Do not just give a list of
events. Tell the story of the major events and their effects.
The first paragraph of this section needs to be an overview of the “typical”
terrorist attack by the group. I want to see the word “typical.”Course Project Global Terrorism Page 3
V. Counter-terrorist activities
What has the State and/or the international community done to eliminate this
terrorist group? Evaluate the effectiveness of the major counter-terrorist initiatives
focused on this group. This means: What worked, what did not work, and why?
VI. Policy proposal
Since the group still exists, the counter-terrorist activities have not worked. What
would you do differently? What would the effects of your proposal have on the
State, citizens, and international community? Is your proposal realistic; that is,
would the State implement your proposal if they knew about it?
VII. Conclusion
The purpose of the conclusion is to summarize the paper, emphasize the proposal,
and leave us with a desire to implement it.