
Assignment Requirements


The assignment question is:
Do you recognise any or all of the generational differences discussed in your readings? (the answer is yes)How has this impacted on your ability to provide leadership? Do you find that a particular generation is demonstrating the qualities of a leader better than another, and why do you think that this occurs?

Dear writer im going to upload an article to answer thses questions and the other articles i can not upload it but u can view it online through google scholar.
McCrindle Research, Seriously cool: marketing and communicating with the diverse generations, McCrindle Research, NSW, viewed 3 March 2011, https://www.thebiz.com.au/CustomContentRetrieve.aspx?ID=289077.

Outten, KM 2012 From Veterans to Nexters: Managing a Multignerational Nursing Workforce Nursing Management, Vol 1 No 1 pp 43-47

Access these 2 alternative articles which are also usful resources on this topic, they can be found if you go onto Google Scholar and look for

1. ‘New Generation at Work’, McCrindle Research document

2 ‘Gen Now’ Richards & Morgan


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