Order Instructions:
RBAT Task 1

A. Evaluate the two policies in the attached “Health Record Policies” by doing the following:
1. Discuss what information should be included in an addendum pertaining to a shadow chart.
2. Discuss how information technology staff can help decrease incidents of security breaches.

B. Discuss one situation from Montana Code 41-1-402 (2a through 2d) that may result in criminal liability to the organization if not followed.
1. Summarize how HIPAA defines criminal liability.
2. Explain which part of 2a through 2d of Montana Code 41-1-402 would directly impact actions of clinical staff.

C. Discuss one situation from Montana Code 50-16-603x (1 through 7) specific to health record identification that may result in a legal claim against the organization if not followed.
1. Develop a confidentiality policy statement (suggested length of 1–2 sentences) using either Montana Code 41-1-402 or Montana Code 50-16-603.

D. Compare three points in the Montana codes to HIPAA laws as they refer to release of information.

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