Library Information Studies (Course)-Collections (Unit)-The Future of the Collection
You have been asked by senior management of your organisation to prepare a report on how your collection will develop into the future given the rapidly changing environment in which you are operating. This report can be based on a mythical organisation or a real one and be of any size – from a public library to a university library. For any, you will need to provide:
-a brief outline of the library, its aims and objectives (max 300 words);
-a brief overview of the nature of the existing collection and how well it meets current user needs and organisational objectives (max 300 words);
-consideration of the major forces affecting the organisation and its users now and possibly in the future (max 500 words);
-how the organisation may respond to these forces in order to retain or build its role (max 400 words); and
-focus specifically on how the collection may evolve – and why – to meet the challenge
imposed by these forces and ensure the ongoing viability of the organisation (max 500
You should take into account the entire subject content when creating the report and importantly noted the word limits above which provides a guide to the importance of each section. Read widely and think broadly – there is no right or wrong answer to this assignment, it is the quality of the discussion that counts. ALL words except for the Bibliography at the end count.
Ensure you adopt an appropriate business report format for this assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to encourage students to take a ‘big picture’ view about all of the factors influencing the concept of the ‘collection’ and how this may be evolving over time and where it may be heading in the future. It is also intended to replicate to some degree a ‘real life’ situation where it is likely such a report may be required for future planning purposes. This assignment relates to all the learning objectives.