M2 – Discussion: Community Corrections

Paper instructions:
Please respond to the following. either agree or disagree and use specific examples from 4 sources two of your sources has to be
Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections, Dean John Champion, Pearson/Prentice Hall
Hard Time: Understanding and Reforming the Prison, Robert Johnson, Wadsworth/Thomson Learning

Probation is an alternative sentencing for offenders generally given when the crimes committed are not too serious and do not involve the wellness of the community. The nature of judicial discretion in probation in traditional court systems is that they have the discretionary power to sentence offenders to the maximum penalties provide by law. (Champion. Pg 167) Judges will generally give first offenders of lesser crimes an opportunity for probation. It is solely up to the judge to determine the final sentence, however in today’s world the judge will generally look at the probation officers PSI before determining whether or not to put an offender in prison for the maximum sentence or allow them supervision in a community setting from a probation officer.

Probation was first allowed in Massachusetts, under volunteer probation officers trying to reform drunks or petty criminals. These volunteers were their strict care takers, teaching them to be better citizens.

Today probation is more and more a likely choice for lesser crimes. This is due to prison overcrowding and a need for rehabilitating criminals.