2. If the police are not able to control crime effectively, why does the public (as well as new police recruits) continue to view the police primarily as crime fighters?( Read Chapter 4)
3. Why do the sizes of police departments vary so greatly between large cities, and why does department size often seem to have no relationship to population size or crime statistics? (Read Chapter 5)
4. Why can’t states effectively ban plea bargaining?
5. Does imprisonment work?
6. What practical steps can a prison administrator take to reduce the risk of violence?
7. Why have some methods used by police to detect crime been ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court?

– Criminal Justice Crime Prevention Programs Project and Presentation –
• Each student will analyze any recent criminal justice crime prevention program and highlight its effects on varying agency relationships
• Each student will research a different issue or trend.
• Type a two-page Executive Summary of your findings.
• Prepare a five to ten-minute professional PowerPoint presentation.
• Present a copy of your Executive Summary and PowerPoint presentation to the instructor.

• Each student will be required to write a 10 page paper that compares and contrasts the effectiveness and efficiency of two separate criminal justice programs implemented within the last five years. The criminal justice programs selected must focus on solving the same issue, be within the same criminal justice discipline (i.e. law enforcement, courts and or corrections), and approved by the course professor.
• Each criminal justice program must be measured against the following criteria: Administrative (policies, procedures, training)