Marx and Rousseau… Chains-Essay

1- Rousseau J.J. The Discourses (st martins)
2- Marx K. The Communist Manifesto (Penguin)

Answer the following question…

`Science, letters and the arts…spread garlands of flowers over the iron chains with which men are burdened.` [Rousseau First Discourse p 36]

`The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.` [The Communist Manifesto]

What do both Rousseau and Marx mean by chains? In your view, which of the two thinkers more accurately portrays the reality of modern society?


1. Make your answer short (roughly 1000-1200 words) and concise. Where possible refer to passages in the text that support your argument – do not use long quotations, simply use page numbers or standard reference numbers.

2. Answers should be typed in 12 point, double spaced, with 1 inch margins.

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