Order Description

the previous work was rejected by the supervisor , the new one needs to be in this following criteria :
1-This abstract should reflect a literature review that will be done later in details ( 6000 words will be done by the same writer )
2- this abstract should start with Ubiquitination as biological process has role in protein degradation in general and in post-translational modification as well.
3-it has to describe its role in cell signalling in general.
4- then its role as cell signalling mechanism and termination process of the cell signal and using this process as regulator for other cellular pathways(examples should included)
5- Then its role specifically in hormone regulation in animals and plant cells.
6-finally it should include the possibility of the ubiquitinated protein to trigger another cellular pathways or control them.

Note : a list of references will be attached and should be used.(books + journals) )

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