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paper instructions: Question: Many of the readings suggest that movie components (images, dialogue, characters, etc.) convey power in relationships, particularly between males and females (and different races and body types of males and females). Explain the nature of this power and the relationships where this has been seen. Exemplify (or perhaps find exception to!) your points by referring to two movies seen in class.
Further Requirements:
· Consult the marking rubric ‘essay’ including in Handbook
· Reference at least two articles from your reader
· Assume your reader has seen the movie (no need to describe the plot)
•Be specific and strategic in your choice of movie elements to discuss: pick those which really help you make your point
•Your essay will attract a higher mark if you discuss aspects and scenes from movies differing from those discussed in class or in your Reader
•Pay attention to grammar, sentence construction, punctuation, and spelling
•If in doubt about academic integrity/ referencing, see back of Handbook or on-line resources on Topic FLO site