Assignment Requirements: International Affairs/Relations
Assignment: The 2011 National Strategy for Counterterrorism (NSCT) references several “areas of focus.”
(1) How should the United States apply the Instruments of Power (IOP) to address the terrorism security challenge in the EAST AFRICA area of focus?
(2) Which of the international relations (IR) perspectives (realism, liberalism and constructivism) most influenced your decisions and why
Note on how the US should apply the IOPs: Keep in mind that we are essentially looking for your recommendations on how the IOPs should be used. (Do not spend too much time describing the issue; focus your efforts on recommendations.) The best recommendations are ones that are clear, concrete, and as specific as possible. Yours should be accompanied by reasons for each recommendation (this helps to demonstrate your understanding of the issues). Ask yourself: Have I demonstrated adequate justification for each recommendation? Have I integrated the IOPs in my recommendations? Have I described my chosen IR perspective?
Please use these additional References for the paper: See attachments also.
1. Policy Considerations in Combating Terrorism: Decision-Making Under Conditions of Risk and Uncertainty
2. Al-Qaida & Affiliates: Historical Perspective, Global Presense, and Implications for U.S. Policy
2. How to Deter Terrorism
2. How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering Al-Qaida East Africa Country Report on Terrorism (Dept of State)
3. Countering Terrorism in East Africa: The U.S. Response
4. Posture Statement of United States AFRICA Command
5. USAID Under the Somalia Dual Track Policy
6. USAID Transition Initiative for Stabilization (TIS-Somalia probram)
7. USAID Partnership for Economic Growth
8. Going Further by Going Together: Building Partner Capacity in Africa
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